Individual membership is available to the following:

 >Anybody who is serving or has served in the regular UK Armed Forces
 >Anybody who is serving or has served in the Volunteer Reserves of the UK Armed Forces
 >A Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer
 >A former cadet of the UK Armed Forces Cadets who has attained the age of 18
 >A former or serving member of a UK Armed Forces University Training Corps (or equivalent)
 >An invited individual - who need not have served in the UK Armed Forces - who in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has the potential to or can immediately bring direct and tangible benefits to the ex-service community.

Corporate Membership is available to businesses on a case by case basis.

The cornerstone to The List is a database of many thousands of former members of the UK Armed Services which then enables extensive recruitment and networking opportunities serving the direct needs of the job-seeker, the in-business member and employers in every sector of the UK economy. It affords members the opportunity for face-to-face business development and job-seeking networking. The unique offerings to employers, recruiters and head-hunters make it highly attractive and competitive in the business market place.

The List offers Members, for a small fee, an entry in the Business Directory to enable them to promote their business proactively to other Members. 

In addition The List is very happy to promote specific opportunities, products and services to other Members.  This can be done by mailshot or by notices on the website.  This service is not designed for the mass marketing of domestic or used goods but rather the promotion of business opportunities and services as and when they occur. Examples are: the selling and acquisition of businesses; independent consultants offering their services; part-time opportunities or requirements; offers of/requirement for urgent and unforeseen assistance in running a business; the promotion of goods and services which might appeal to all Members as individuals; promotion of charitable events and causes; offers of/requirement for assistance and help to those recuperating from trauma and illness.

Members who wish to use the Business Directory should complete the proforma on the website.  Those who wish to advertise or post information as descrobed above should e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance to open a dialogue on suitability for posting and rates/costs.

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The quick and easy way for a new Member to create a List account, or for an existing Member to upload an up-to-date CV into your account.

Are you a serving or former member of the UK Armed Forces?


CVs can be uploaded with .doc, .docx or .pdf file extensions.

.rtf files cannot be accepted on the system.

For new Members, the CV will be used to create an initial account which, once verified, will create a link to enable you to register and complete a full List account; you will not be able to apply for a job, or network, until you have done so.

For existing Members, provided the e-mail address you use above corresponds to that already recorded in your account, the new CV will be added to your account.

Additionally uploading a CV will be taken as your agreement to our data management policy and terms.